Real cash incomes in Moscow and four other regions of Russia for the first time in recent years dropped. According to Rosstat for the first half of 2008, in Moscow, a decrease in real income for the year was 1.6%. Despite the continuing high growth in nominal income, inflation reduced the real incomes of Moscow faster, writes Kommersant.
As the edition, in Moscow on cash income is still among the highest in the country (34 thousand rubles. In a month against 13.6 thousand rubles. On average). In doing so, the head of the Institute for Social Policy HSE Sergei Smirnov notes slowdown in earnings and said that the growth seen in recent years, "no longer in sight."
"Inflation is clearly influenced by the braking income - no one anticipated that inflation this year will be nearly 15%, is substantially higher than last year" - he notes.
However, the answer to the question, what is happening in Moscow, a reference to inflation does not. Rosstat The data showed that inflation in Moscow slightly different from - 8,6 to 8,7% in the first half of 2008. Revenues considerably deflated. But Rosstat considers cash income through the balance of income and expenditure population - and calculate it correctly is very difficult, "- said a leading economist of the Center for Economic and Financial Research (CEFIR) Irina Denisova.
Under the cash income Rosstat understands not only wages but also pensions, scholarships, all kinds of benefits, as well as revenues from business activities and investments.
"But all of these proceeds in shares of real income is not a very big component, they may not be so down growth", - said Irina Denisova. However, some of the experts polled believe that a proportion of revenue affected the growth of income. For example, among recorded as income decreased income in the form of dividends and income as a percentage of deposits.
A methodology Rosstat there are other weaknesses. "The costs more accurately observed factor than income. But Rosstat very difficult question is how to assess the cash proceeds for expenses. It plays the role of a factor that, for example, in Moscow spend not only Muscovites, but also residents of Moscow" -- said Director of the Inter-institutional center of socio-economic dimensions of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Kiruta. Moreover, could affect that Muscovites are increasingly traveling and possibly increasing the proportion of income spent abroad.
In other words, the data do not yet permit Rosstat confidently assert that rising incomes in Russia and Moscow's really stops. Nevertheless, the risk that exists and is increasing - particularly in regions heavily dependent on foreign trade activities. Sooner or later it will affect the welfare of their residents.
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