Mikhail Khodorkovsky, in Moscow to take part in a new trial, promises that the trial would be "is interesting spectacle." Ex-Yukos owner believes that the country has recently been some positive developments, but foreign observers believe that the chances of avoiding a new prison term of at Hodorkovsky still there.
"According to a Moscow prison and television, available in Moscow, on a background of understandable economic problems are visible signs of positive institutional changes - the word brings a businessman Press Center lawyers of Khodorkovsky and Lebedev. - So far only initial signs: appearance of normal attempts of opposition, a reasonable response to the international Event part of the power elite, the beginning of self-justice system as a separate branch of government. "
"Along with this, of course, there is a reverse trend - gathering darkness before dawn," - found Khodorkovsky. But in an economic crisis, he refers not too pessimistic: "The crisis - a hard time, but necessary if it is properly used."
In the new trial, Khodorkovsky, for his part promised "openness, clarity, lack of attempts to dodge." "I guarantee is interesting spectacle," - he pointed out.
Remember, the preliminary hearing on a new case against former head of Yukos, Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev MENATEP chapter will be held March 3 in Hamovnicheskom court of Moscow. The meeting, which will be legally held in private, is scheduled for 12:00 Moscow time.
The indictment of a new case against Khodorkovsky and Lebedev had been approved by the Prosecutor General of Russia, and the case had been sent to Hamovnichesky court. In this case, Khodorkovsky and Lebedev are charged with fraudulently awarding nearly $ 1 trillion rubles, and Money (legalization) of almost 450 billion rubles.
On the day of the trial of Khodorkovsky Hamovnichesky Court closed off the OMON and metal
Moscow police promised that the day of preliminary hearings in the case of Khodorkovsky-Lebedev trial Hamovnicheskogo around the building will be increased security measures. The premises of the court building will be surveyed with dogs trained to find explosives, told the Interfax a source in law enforcement capital. After this building will be taken under heavy guard.
Directly in front of the courthouse will be exhibited enhanced clothes police officers, told the agency interlocutor. Including in the immediate vicinity will be on duty in Moscow OMON fighters.
At the adjacent streets to the court will be exhibited metal frame barricades. The police will inspect all actors, including journalists covering the trial, with the help of metal detectors.
Sobesednik agency did not specify how many employees will have a direct duty around the building Hamovnicheskogo court. However, he assured, they will be sufficient to ensure the safety of both the process and the possible suppression of the shares, which are likely to be carried out as supporters and opponents of Khodorkovsky.
Inopressa: let Khodorkovsky will not be
Before Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who in 2005 had already received eight years imprisonment, the looming prospect of hold in custody for another 20 years. The current charges, according to lawyers - is a legal nonsense, but no less nonsense to the first process, believes Frankfurter Allgemeine.
Last time, a consequence of assumed that all parts of the group were a single whole. Now it is of the opinion that the individual companies of the group acted alone - and puts forward a new charge, explains InoPressa.
If under attack Russian "power" had not fallen, independent media and judiciary, Khodorkovsky may still be able to resist the authorities, believes the German edition. Now, however, avoid a conviction can not be, the newspaper quoted the head of the political philosophy of Andrei Kolesnikov.
Today's power can not afford to release Khodorkovsky, is confident the expert: disgraced magnate would have to sit until the system is alive. In addition, because of the deepening economic crisis and the helplessness of state power in Russia is growing demand for talented managers. According to Levada Center poll, 33% of Russians considered to be one of Khodorkovsky. "This makes it doubly dangerous", - concludes the author.